Sunday 15 May 2011

Bila Saya Patut Kawen

Pada yang suda miang-miang keladi akan cakap bila-bila pon bole..tapi hakikatnya memang ada waktunya Bila Saya Patut Kawen. Kaedahnya suda pasti bergantung pada Bila Wang Anda Cukup..xpercaya??percayalah kerana ianya benar!tapi org kata duit takan pernah ckp jadi xkawen2 tats when u need to read tis out loud..YOU NEED TO HAVE A PLAN.if you dont hv plan,so u're plan to fail..klise but it's reality.lucky me when my plan starts with my mum plan+God with tat,this is how the plan work (tis plan only apply to who are in/plan to be in the govenmnt sector..ahaks):
1. the lucky age is 25th.why?
-u will finished ur degree at the age of 24.for me after graduated i only waited for 6month to be in a permanent post (alhamdulilah)
2. then wait until you hv work for 3 years.why?
-after 3years as a G off. u layak untuk keluarkan u punyer KWSP.huhu...tats when all the junior off. beraya okay!(but tis will be a raya when the money were collected since u pass ur SPM n start working ok guys..sape yg maleh sndr mau ingat.krn when u start working at the very young age,majikan akan start juga mencarum KWSP untk duit SPM terkumpul+keje kjaan 3thn=lalala..atleast 10k..huhu)
-so btween tat 3years time mesti u ada kumpul duit gaji sndr kan.jadi KWSP+duit gaji (500/bulan x 3thn)
u da ada atleast 30k!more than enough..babe.u even (if u r lelaki kasik hantaran kt pmpuan 10k tau!like me..thanks bb) but tis 30k xtermasuk mkn k..dear.u blela pau fund PA&MA.lalala...mummy luv u!muahkss...pastikan couple u guna kaedah yg sama k

so guys tis plan really a plan if ur a good planner.seyes k..tu bujet i kawen dlu k.nowadays harusla meningkat lagi.jd pandai2la n selamat beramal.but for me.plan no.2 didnt applied bcoz of my mum plan no.3:

3. start saving using ASB LOAN.why?
-my mum who is such a brilliant mum (thanks God) hv buy me tis loan at the age of 19th (br daftar uni ms tu).at tat time xtau pun apa guna until nak kawenla.the total loan amount 75,000 where the monthly commintment is 500.during belajar my mum paid calculate ur self.every end of year i got at least 5k as a bonus by taking the at the end of the day (nak kawen umo 25 kan) u get the same amount/more (coz ade bocor2 wer u terguna duit tu during blaja like me bli laptop n downpayment i wish i dunt used it at tat time..urggh) as u save 500/month ur salary (maknanya plan ini terpakai kalo u da sedar ms umur 19la..).tis loan ble diambil dimana bank.skang interest dia lg rendah k and i still enjoying tis bonus till now (hrpkan gomen tadela nok) each year.many people envy me ok!yela kalo hrpkan u all simpan sndr lalu ke nak pejam mata kasi 500 hlg je dr akaun.blom dpt gaji pon da pikir2 nak wt pe ngn duit tu usah kata nak simpan (ni ayat pesanan penaja my mummy..hehe)

all tis plan r adjustable to your age (bkn senang nak kawen k!).im just guiding on how to build the plan.i terpikir ni pon sbb memikirkan betapa sy xtau plan no.2 tu..masuk gomen mude2 la katakan,if not mesti riang ria lae majlis kawen i tau..ble kuar duit manyak nyah walau br keje.tapi apapun tetap bersyukur dengan apa yg da jd kalo x,xsiapla junior i kini...hehe.mommy to be at the age 27th,if not umo 29th kot br jd.alhamdulilah..syukur yek!

makanya xsusah nk hidop pon dlm dunia gomen ni krn hakikatnya individu itu sndr.seriusly talking bout saving many of my fwens dont hv saving even anak da sorg.zaman skang hrpkan duit gaji ble wt gaduh kot.savingla menyelamatkan segalanya.really appreciate it..mum!kecuali u all ade bisnes kencang.for me since i xguna duit KWSP tuk kawen, i plan to buy a house.and there's goes another plan....

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